søndag den 31. oktober 2010

My emotional corner - CODE GEASS!

Greetings, dear blog (look who's treating you like a diary)

I need to get something out in the open: I am quite an otaku (fan of manga and anime).

Today I watched the last episode of Code Geass - the very last.

And I am in tears... No, really, I am crying like a baby!

This anime deserves an adjective that is being used too lightly nowadays: EPIC.
For this show was truly epic - the storyline, the characters, the conflicts, the philosophy, the art, the music - everything blends together and creates a PERFECT anime.

I pity people who miss out on this breathtaking story just because they never watch anime.

I am.... well, for one, I am still crying, because some things just gets to me.

I won't spoil the ending, it is something you have to experience on your own.

All I can say is - watch it, please watch it.. It is worth it.

..... Now I'll smoke a cigarette and brood over the many many questions and emotions flowing through my mind, after having enjoyed the wicked ride that was CODE GEASS.

Below is a link to one of the songs from the soundtracks, which just gives a sense of how complex and strong a show it is..

And just to top it, here is one of many spectacular quotes, showing the depth of the story:

"A Long time ago, Nunally, Suzaku, and I talked about something. We wondered what happiness would look like if we could give it a physical form. If I'm not mistaken, I think it was Suzaku that said that the shape of happiness might resemble glass. His reasoning made sense. He said that even though you don't usually notice it, its still definitely there. You merely have to change your point of view slightly, and then that glass will sparkle when it reflects the light. I doubt that anything else could argue its own existence more eloquently."

And now I'll stop my shameless promoting and try calming myself down a little... Whoosh..

fredag den 29. oktober 2010

Let's get girly... DISNEY girly!

(Disclaimer: I claim no rights, whatsoever, to this logo or these charactres... there!)


Number 5: Mulan from Mulan

Behold! Crossdressing in a Disney movie!
Now, here is a girl who can kick ass, get in touch with her masculine side and yet always keep her grace and femininity.
Mulan fights for her father and her country, and she has some awesome battlefield strategies (fireworks causing an avalanche - never saw that one coming).
Did I mention she has a little pet dragon? I know - cool, right?

Number 4: Jane from Tarzan

Aww, Jane. Don't you look utterly British, prim and proper with your tie and your little white gloves?
Now, Jane may not be the typical overly perfect Disney woman, but that just adds to her impeccable charm.
Jane is somewhat awkward in whatever she does, and comes off quite geeky with her interest in nature and drawing.
She is the perfect role for the good old "damsel in distress" type of woman, and her face just emanates sweetness!
And to me it's a great bonus that London is her hometown... Or was it the jungle? Either way - she knows how to pick her places of residence.

Number 3: Belle from Beauty and the Beast

What have we here? A female bookworm, a bit of a loner, always walking around in her own world, a true dreamer? - YES!!
Belle is a gentle and caring person and she can fall in love with what is within a person and not just the looks... She has lovely brown eyes and is generally super cute. Oh, and she's French (mmmh, bonjour).

And I love how she does NOT wear the typical "princessy" pink and frilly dress for the dance, but an elegant yellow one - a vibrant and beautiful colour that suits her perfectly.

Number 2: Pocahontas from Pocahontas

Why, hello there, woman of nature!
Pocahontas has always been one of my favourites. She is absolutely stunningly beautiful and she has body art! (that henna-looking thing on her arm).
She is somewhat mischevous, but knows when to stand up and fight for what she belives in, as well as for the ones she loves.
She is in touch with nature and is, once again, a bit of a loner - wandering around and jumping down waterfalls.
She has awesome skills like canoeing, horseback-riding and tree-climbing.
Oh, and did I mention she can talk to trees?
Yup, all in all a powerful and breathtaking woman.

Number 1: Esmeralda from Hunchback of Notre Dame 

If the picture above isn't enough to justify my #1 favourite Disney woman, then allow me to elaborate:

Esmeralda is a true power woman. First of, she is ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS! She has curves, she can dance, she can fight - come on, she's downright sexy and you know it! 
She is kind and compassionate of nature, but she can also be provocative, sassy and sarcastic.
Furthermore, she fights for justice and equality, so she's not just eye candy, but has some strong principles and is not afraid to go agianst the authorities.
And need I comment on her voice - Demi Moore (Oh God!).

So there you have it. My favourite Disney women.. I could expand the list and include i.e. Jasmine, Megara or Ariel (though the latter seems like jailbait to me, just saying).


What's in the box? (something wicked)



Have you ever heard of the "Wicked Bible", also known as "The Adulterous Bible"?

If not, then I shall let you in on this massive screw-up.

In 1631, Robert Barker and Martin Lucas, the royal printers of London, published a bible.

But something went terribly wrong - a rather unfortunate misprint caused great stir among the Londoners, and Charles I of England was particularly enraged by it.

Here is the infamous printing error:


Can you spot it?
It says: Thou shalt commit adultery - leaving out a very crucial word, namely "not".

Lo and behold! - the ten commandments actually encouraging people to commit adultery!

Oh, and yes, the poor printers were deprived of their printer's license.

Only very few of these Bibles exist today, but there are some.
.... And a copy costs $89,500.
Some copies have been on display around different museums and libraries in England.

I would very much like to behold this "Sinner's Bible", myself.. If anyone wondered, I am not overly religious myself, but I do find all the different religions fascinating. 
I label myself as agnostic.

Now... Go out and commit some adultery, my children (erhm, no, don't.... really!)

Every saint has a past - every sinner has a future

onsdag den 27. oktober 2010


Now, no reason to panic over to the title of this entry, I was merely refering to blood banks.

Yup, I am a blood donor (yeah, totally self-righteous comment there). Type O Rh positive.
So I wish to shamefully promote donating blood, because, really - only good comes from it.

So, unless you have needle-phobia or gets uncomfortable when seeing blood, you should consider being a blood donor.

They even let you play with the bag containing your own blood, afterwards!! Yay!

Though I am a routined donor, I made a great mistake when at latest appointment. I forgot to drink proper amounts of water (or whatever liquid you can get your hands on) before the donation. It is very important that your body has something it can use to compensate for the loss of blood after your donation.
Thus, silly little me went and gave away the usual 450 ml blood, without having enough liquid in my body.

So... I passed out, which is always a strange and unpleasant feeling, and I spend a good few hours feeling light-headed and easily out of breath (the latter happens every time, though, since it is hard for the body to function properly with a lesser amount of blood than usual).

Okay, that may not have been the perfect anecdote when you wish to motivate people to become donors themselves.

Just remeber to drink something, people.
And then go give some blood... It's not as scary as it sounds, and no, you won't meet any ravenous vampires.

.... And how fitting was it that I stumbled upon a picture of a bloody chopping board.
I think it was taken after I had gutted a fish for dinner.
(yes, it IS quite common to take pictures of such things):


Soooo...... What's in the box?



So - I was going through "The Complete Works of William
Shakespeare", desperately trying to kill some time until my computer agreed to cooperate and actually start up.
Anywhoo, I stumbled upon this lovely sonnet, number 130, to be more specific:

My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun;
Coral is far more red than her lips' red;
If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun;
If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head;
I have seen roses damasked, red and white,
But no such roses see I in her cheeks;
And in some pérfumes is there more delight
Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks.
I love to hear her speak, yet well I know
That music hath a far more pleasing sound.
I grant I never saw a goddess go;
My mistress, when she walks, treads on the ground.
  And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare
  As any she belied with false compare.

(I have inserted the "No Fear Shakespeare" modern translation of the sonnet below, so those not familiar with the Shakespearean language can follow.. I don't blame you, though, Shakespeare is tough, I don't even get it half the time and I love his works) :-)

My mistress’s eyes are nothing like the sun.
 Coral is much redder than the red of her lips.
 Compared to the whiteness of snow, her breasts are grayish-brown.
Poets describe their mistresses' hair as gold wires,
but my mistress has black wires growing on her head.
I have seen roses that were a mixture of red and white,
but I don’t see those colors in her cheeks.
And some perfumes smell more delightful than my mistress’s reeking breath.
I love to hear her speak; yet I know perfectly well that music has a far more pleasant sound.
I admit I never saw a goddess walk; when my mistress walks, she treads on the ground.
And yet, by heaven, I think my beloved is as special as any woman
whom poets have lied about with false comparisons.

Well, well, well - if it isn't good old William actually rebelling against over-romanticized poems and declarations of love - the ones in which the poets use excessive use of imagery, often comparing the object of their affections to the beauty found in the nature around them.

Yet Willie says that you can still love someone and admire their beauty, wihtout going sappy poet on their arse.
If only the modern idea of beauty (generally speaking) could follow the path of sonnet 130 - praising beauty, but still acknowledging that reality is far from the idealized concept of beauty.

.... But alas! The media has us under its spell, and I'm afraid there is nothing much we can do to rebel against such powerful a force.

Well....  I suppose we could always write a poem about it?

..... Oh, and another aspect, because good old Shakey seem to be somewhat of a hypocrit in this matter, since he himself has written many many MANY sappy sonnets. Need I say Shall I compare Thee to a Summer's Day?

So.. That was just a load of Shakespeare blabbering from my part.
Hope you can enjoy the joke below. If not, read sonnet 18 and laugh later.

mandag den 25. oktober 2010

What's in the box?



I support the saying "I don't want to lie on my deathbed feeling I

have missed out on something", or however that one goes.

But then again - Of course we are going to miss out on a gazillion of

things. For instance, I do not wish to have the experience of

killing another human being, and I am physically unable to ever

experience a morning erection..

That's just how it is - we miss out on certain things, good and bad,

so what really matters is what we HAVE done, not what we

COULD have done.

So embrace the experiences you've had in your life – small and

grand, positive and negative, as the extraordinary and possibly

defining moments they were.


søndag den 24. oktober 2010

Ladies and gentlemen

A heartly hello and welcome to you all.

My name is.... not important and I shan't divulge it just yet, but I welcome thee, nontheless.

What I will divulge is the basics about myself:

  • I am a human being, or so I have been informed.
  • I am female.
  • I have existed on this planet for 19 years.
  • I think way too much about anyhting in this universe, thus the need to create a blog.
  • I do not think of myself as overly intelligent, but neither do I consider myself ignorant. Let's settle for somewhat thoughtful, for now.
  • I originate from the Kingdom of Denmark, but I greatly yearn for the lovely island located west of my current home land - Great Britain.
  • I am what we in the modern tongue would call a geek. Or is it a nerd? Hmm.. I might elaborate further on that subject in future updates.
  • My interests vary. I have neither the patience nor the desire to list them all right now. They will undoubtedly be discussed and revealed later on. 

As you might have discovered by now, I tend to mystify myself, though that might change should this proove to be a success.

Also - this is merely an introduction.... The fun has not yet begun.

Expect all and nothing - expect a mix of English and Danish - expect nothing out of the ordinary, but at the same time, be prepared for possible randomness and peculiar inputs.
Expect nothing more than me... And keep reading to discover what kind of person I am.

Enjoy the ride.

- Me.