onsdag den 27. oktober 2010


Now, no reason to panic over to the title of this entry, I was merely refering to blood banks.

Yup, I am a blood donor (yeah, totally self-righteous comment there). Type O Rh positive.
So I wish to shamefully promote donating blood, because, really - only good comes from it.

So, unless you have needle-phobia or gets uncomfortable when seeing blood, you should consider being a blood donor.

They even let you play with the bag containing your own blood, afterwards!! Yay!

Though I am a routined donor, I made a great mistake when at latest appointment. I forgot to drink proper amounts of water (or whatever liquid you can get your hands on) before the donation. It is very important that your body has something it can use to compensate for the loss of blood after your donation.
Thus, silly little me went and gave away the usual 450 ml blood, without having enough liquid in my body.

So... I passed out, which is always a strange and unpleasant feeling, and I spend a good few hours feeling light-headed and easily out of breath (the latter happens every time, though, since it is hard for the body to function properly with a lesser amount of blood than usual).

Okay, that may not have been the perfect anecdote when you wish to motivate people to become donors themselves.

Just remeber to drink something, people.
And then go give some blood... It's not as scary as it sounds, and no, you won't meet any ravenous vampires.

.... And how fitting was it that I stumbled upon a picture of a bloody chopping board.
I think it was taken after I had gutted a fish for dinner.
(yes, it IS quite common to take pictures of such things):


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