A heartly hello and welcome to you all.
My name is.... not important and I shan't divulge it just yet, but I welcome thee, nontheless.
What I will divulge is the basics about myself:
- I am a human being, or so I have been informed.
- I am female.
- I have existed on this planet for 19 years.
- I think way too much about anyhting in this universe, thus the need to create a blog.
- I do not think of myself as overly intelligent, but neither do I consider myself ignorant. Let's settle for somewhat thoughtful, for now.
- I originate from the Kingdom of Denmark, but I greatly yearn for the lovely island located west of my current home land - Great Britain.
- I am what we in the modern tongue would call a geek. Or is it a nerd? Hmm.. I might elaborate further on that subject in future updates.
- My interests vary. I have neither the patience nor the desire to list them all right now. They will undoubtedly be discussed and revealed later on.
As you might have discovered by now, I tend to mystify myself, though that might change should this proove to be a success.
Also - this is merely an introduction.... The fun has not yet begun.
Expect all and nothing - expect a mix of English and Danish - expect nothing out of the ordinary, but at the same time, be prepared for possible randomness and peculiar inputs.
Expect nothing more than me... And keep reading to discover what kind of person I am.
Enjoy the ride.
- Me.
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